Other Events

Relational Transactional Analyses, Plural
A Workshop with Charlotte Sills and Keith Tudor
Friday 4th April 2025
This workshop offers a rare opportunity to work with two exponents of different forms of relational transactional analysis (TA): Charlotte Sills who, with Helena Hargaden, has developed a relational TA informed by theories of the unconscious and child development, and Keith Tudor, who, with Graeme Summers, has developed a co-creative TA informed by field theory, constructivism and health psychology.
Charlotte and Keith are colleagues and friends who enjoy playing with theory and robust discussions – and encouraging this in others. They are also both recipients – Charlotte with Helena, and Keith with Graeme – of the Eric Berne Memorial Award.

Co-creativity in Psychotherapy
A Workshop in Sydney with Keith Tudor
26th & 27th April 2025
The ‘co’ of co-creative emphasises the transactional, inter-relational, mutual, joint, and co-operative. The creative refers to what is original, imaginative, intuitive, and spontaneous about the encounter between human beings. In the context of psychotherapy, co-creativity describes what emerges and is influential between the psychotherapist and client – and also between the practitioner and their trainer and/or supervisor.
Drawing on some 25 years of his development of this concept – both within and beyond transactional analysis - this workshop offers practitioners to explore their experience and understanding of the relational, emergent, influential, and mutual aspects of professional relationships – and, by implication, of personal relationships.

A Day in Sydney with Keith Tudor
28th April 2025
In this workshop, and in conjunction with the interests of the participants, Keith will present various theories and models of supervision, including:
• Personal values and philosophy of supervision.
• The conditions for effective supervision, including cultural conditions.
• Various models of supervision, including those focusing on process, function, and development.
• The person of the supervisor.
• The context of supervision (professional, organizational, and cultural).
• Ethics in supervision.
There will be opportunities for discussion; demonstrations, including supervision of supervision; presentation of theoretical, clinical and other material; and small group work.